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April 22, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website, April 22, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website April 22, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Logo

Seth Moulton Announces Candidacy for President

New York, NY - Today, during an exclusive interview on Good Morning America, Seth Moulton (D-MA) announced his candidacy for President of the United States. A transcript to the official Seth Moulton for America launch video can be found below.


Seth Moulton, Moral Compass

Seth: I was first called to service in my college church by a minister who's the greatest mentor I ever had. He talked a lot about the importance of service, about how it's not enough just to believe in service. You gotta find a way to give back yourself. You couldn't help but sit in this church and be hit by the names on these walls. And I had so much respect for them that I wanted to do my part, too. So I joined the marines. My parents weren't exactly thrilled.

Seth’s Mom: I was really scared for him.

Seth: Even in a war I disagreed with, there's nothing I'm more proud of than being a grunt, being on the ground, serving with those Marines. Before I knew it, I was commanding a platoon in the
first company of Marines into Baghdad.

Seth’s Mom: As an American. I was proud to have him representing me. As his mother. I spent four tours being terrified.

Seth: But it turned out that the war was based on a lie about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. And we lost great, brave Americans. I returned home and decided to run for Congress because I realized that a lot of Americans are feeling betrayed by Washington the same way that we did in Iraq. Ask anyone who's lost their job to a changing economy, or a child to opioids, or has to choose between heat and food in the winter, they're feeling forgotten.

Liz: He was 54 points down...

Dad: ...to an 18 year incumbent.

Liz: His campaign manager, his pollster, told him to quit. And you don't tell Seth to quit.

Seth: I am proud that our race has been held up in recent days as a model for how races should be run. And how politics should be conducted.

Liz: He is the sweetest, kindest man. He's extremely devoted. Seth would bend himself into a pretzel to take care of somebody.

Sister: Seth is the kind of person that if he sees something wrong, he is going to try to fix it.
Veteran You got that spirit for our country. And that's what we need... An honest politician that has a heart for this country, that’s not going to put up with the stuff of division.

Liz: The person that takes on Donald Trump needs to be a tank. They need to be a tank that no matter what is thrown their way, what fire, what lies, what vitriol, the tank just keeps moving, and that’s

Seth: Seth When the president tweeted that this is the greatest political witch hunt in American history, I just said, as the representative of Salem, Massachusetts, I can assert this is false.

Liz: There's nothing that sways him to do anything else other than what he believes is right.

Seth: Decades of division and corruption have broken our democracy, and robbed Americans of their voice. It's all led to an administration that's turned away from our values and is shredding or moral authority. The greatest generation saved our country from tyranny. It’s time for our generation to step up and do the same. There are already Americans across this country with the moral courage to get it done. Women marching for respect. Teachers walking out for fair pay, kids fighting for safe schools. I spent years of my life carrying guns every single day as a Marine, but weapons of war have no place on our streets or in our schools. While our country marches forward, Washington is anchored to the past. It starts with growing our economy, with the new jobs, the green jobs, the tech jobs, the advanced manufacturing jobs that are going to make us the world leader in the next century. It starts with tackling climate change and making sure that we have a planet without an expiration date. As a veteran of combat and of the Armed Services Committee in Washington, I will cut the massive weapons programs we don't need so that we have the money to invest in the future. We should build a cyber wall to stop Russia from hacking our elections. And most important, we need to restore our moral authority in everything we do. Whether it's appointing a cabinet member, negotiating a treaty, or signing an executive order, I will always uphold America's values. I'm running because we have to beat Donald Trump, and I want us to beat Donald Trump because I love this country. We've never been a country that gets everything right. But we're a country that, at our best, thinks that we might. I'd be honored if you'd join me in this mission.

Source: Seth Moulton for America
August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website, August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Logo

Seth Moulton to End Presidential Campaign During Speech At DNC Summer Meeting

San Francisco, CA - During his speech this morning at the Democratic National Committee's Summer meeting, Seth Moulton will be ending his campaign for president. Seth will be speaking at approximately 10:45 AM PST / 1:45 PM EST. His remarks as prepared can be found below.

Hello DNC! Thank you so much—for having me here today, and for all that you do.

I have only been in this race since April—I got in later than many of the other candidates—but I couldn’t be more proud of what our team has accomplished over these last several months.

We have been challenging Donald Trump where he’s weakest—as Commander in Chief—and showing this country that Democrats are the party of making America strong overseas and safe here at home.

We have been running to take back patriotism from the Republican party. Because as we all know here in this room, true patriotism isn’t about hugging the flag, but about fighting to make sure the flag stands for something.

We have put forward the most aggressive call to national service in a generation, asking all 33 million young Americans to serve here at home and tackle the biggest challenges of today like climate change.

And this campaign has even helped me face a few of my own fears.

For the first time in my life, I talked publicly about dealing with post-traumatic stress from my four combat tours in Iraq.

… about how I sought help to deal with my post-traumatic stress—help that has made me a better public servant and a better husband and father.

And our team put forward a plan that will end the stigma around mental health—the same stigma that kept me silent for so long, and that kept every presidential candidate before me from talking about mental health struggles themselves.

That’s what this campaign has been about, and I’m so proud of what we’ve done.

But today, I want to use this opportunity, with all of you here, to announce that I am ending my campaign for president.

Though this campaign is not ending the way we hoped, I am leaving this race knowing that we raised issues that are vitally important to the American people and our future.

I couldn’t have done any of this without my amazing wife Liz and daughter Emmy behind me.

I couldn’t have done it without my extraordinary team, who worked incredibly hard for a longshot candidate because they believed in me and our mission like they believe in our country.

And I definitely couldn’t have done it without everyone who supported me and came out to events and donated and volunteered for this campaign all across this country.

Each of you reminds me, everywhere and every day, of what truly makes America great.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

While this is the end of my campaign, it is certainly not the end of our efforts.

I will once again be running for Congress in the 6th District of Massachusetts, my home, and I can’t wait to get back at it.

I will be relaunching my organization, Serve America—which helped take back the House last cycle by electing 21 service-driven Democrats in tough districts across America—to work with all of you to keep the House, to flip the Senate, and to win back statehouses across the country next November. Because those down-ballot races are every bit as important as the Presidential.

And most of all, I will be campaigning my ass off for whoever wins our nomination in 2020.

Donald Trump is going to be harder to beat than most people think. But we can, and we must, beat him—because our country, our values, and our future depend on it.

As a party, we need to spend these next months doing everything we can to determine who our strongest nominee will be. And as we do so, we can’t be distracted by the latest outrage on Twitter or the reality show politics of the day.

We need to stay grounded in what it’s going to take to win over voters—all kinds of Democrats, Independents like the Obama-Trump voters, and even disaffected Republicans—and bring the country together around beating Donald Trump.

Because you can be a Democrat, or a Republican, or an Independent. But if you’re an American, you know that we’re better than this.

And we’re going to prove it at the ballot box in 2020.

Now before I go, I want to say one more thing.

My mentor in college, Reverend Peter Gomes, once said, “Hope is the stuff that gets us through and beyond when the worst that can happen, happens.”

And oftentimes, in these past couple of years, and even in these past couple of weeks, it’s felt like the worst that could happen in America has happened.

But when I traveled the country and district over these last several months, I found hope.

I found hope in the veterans I met who are working to end the stigma around mental health by sharing their stories for the very first time.

I found hope in the kids who are walking out of school demanding progress on climate change and guns.
I found hope in the teachers and reporters who have been striking for basic pay.
I found hope in the women who have been marching for basic respect.
I found hope in the amazing, diverse, talented group of leaders we have running for president.
And I find hope here in this room, and in rooms like it across America, where Democrats are banding together—despite all of our differences—to beat Donald Trump.

And to fight for who we are.

That hope is what gets us, as individuals, through the darkest of times.

And it is what will lead our country through the darkest of times as well.

You know, I often say that in the men and women I served with in Iraq, I saw the best of America in the worst of circumstances. In the midst of a war many of us disagreed with—a war I spoke out against—we always knew that despite the failures in Washington, we were fighting for each other.

We had each other’s backs.

And we believed in our values so much that they were willing to fight for them.

Well, I saw the same thing in this campaign.

I saw Americans from all backgrounds, all races, all religions, standing up and fighting for our values because they believe in our country—even when it lets them down.

Especially when it lets them down.

Because THAT is when the country needs us most.

We have a lot of work to do, and some tough months ahead of us, but we can do this. We wake up tomorrow in the America that we make. And I’m so proud to be making it better with all of you.

Thank you.

Source: Seth Moulton for America
August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website, August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Website August 23, 2019 Seth Moulton 2020 Logo

Seth Moulton to End Presidential Campaign During Speech At DNC Summer Meeting

San Francisco, CA - During his speech this morning at the Democratic National Committee's Summer meeting, Seth Moulton will be ending his campaign for president. Seth will be speaking at approximately 10:45 AM PST / 1:45 PM EST. His remarks as prepared can be found below.

Hello DNC! Thank you so much—for having me here today, and for all that you do.

I have only been in this race since April—I got in later than many of the other candidates—but I couldn’t be more proud of what our team has accomplished over these last several months.

We have been challenging Donald Trump where he’s weakest—as Commander in Chief—and showing this country that Democrats are the party of making America strong overseas and safe here at home.

We have been running to take back patriotism from the Republican party. Because as we all know here in this room, true patriotism isn’t about hugging the flag, but about fighting to make sure the flag stands for something.

We have put forward the most aggressive call to national service in a generation, asking all 33 million young Americans to serve here at home and tackle the biggest challenges of today like climate change.

And this campaign has even helped me face a few of my own fears.

For the first time in my life, I talked publicly about dealing with post-traumatic stress from my four combat tours in Iraq.

… about how I sought help to deal with my post-traumatic stress—help that has made me a better public servant and a better husband and father.

And our team put forward a plan that will end the stigma around mental health—the same stigma that kept me silent for so long, and that kept every presidential candidate before me from talking about mental health struggles themselves.

That’s what this campaign has been about, and I’m so proud of what we’ve done.

But today, I want to use this opportunity, with all of you here, to announce that I am ending my campaign for president.

Though this campaign is not ending the way we hoped, I am leaving this race knowing that we raised issues that are vitally important to the American people and our future.

I couldn’t have done any of this without my amazing wife Liz and daughter Emmy behind me.

I couldn’t have done it without my extraordinary team, who worked incredibly hard for a longshot candidate because they believed in me and our mission like they believe in our country.

And I definitely couldn’t have done it without everyone who supported me and came out to events and donated and volunteered for this campaign all across this country.

Each of you reminds me, everywhere and every day, of what truly makes America great.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

While this is the end of my campaign, it is certainly not the end of our efforts.

I will once again be running for Congress in the 6th District of Massachusetts, my home, and I can’t wait to get back at it.

I will be relaunching my organization, Serve America—which helped take back the House last cycle by electing 21 service-driven Democrats in tough districts across America—to work with all of you to keep the House, to flip the Senate, and to win back statehouses across the country next November. Because those down-ballot races are every bit as important as the Presidential.

And most of all, I will be campaigning my ass off for whoever wins our nomination in 2020.

Donald Trump is going to be harder to beat than most people think. But we can, and we must, beat him—because our country, our values, and our future depend on it.

As a party, we need to spend these next months doing everything we can to determine who our strongest nominee will be. And as we do so, we can’t be distracted by the latest outrage on Twitter or the reality show politics of the day.

We need to stay grounded in what it’s going to take to win over voters—all kinds of Democrats, Independents like the Obama-Trump voters, and even disaffected Republicans—and bring the country together around beating Donald Trump.

Because you can be a Democrat, or a Republican, or an Independent. But if you’re an American, you know that we’re better than this.

And we’re going to prove it at the ballot box in 2020.

Now before I go, I want to say one more thing.

My mentor in college, Reverend Peter Gomes, once said, “Hope is the stuff that gets us through and beyond when the worst that can happen, happens.”

And oftentimes, in these past couple of years, and even in these past couple of weeks, it’s felt like the worst that could happen in America has happened.

But when I traveled the country and district over these last several months, I found hope.

I found hope in the veterans I met who are working to end the stigma around mental health by sharing their stories for the very first time.

I found hope in the kids who are walking out of school demanding progress on climate change and guns.
I found hope in the teachers and reporters who have been striking for basic pay.
I found hope in the women who have been marching for basic respect.
I found hope in the amazing, diverse, talented group of leaders we have running for president.
And I find hope here in this room, and in rooms like it across America, where Democrats are banding together—despite all of our differences—to beat Donald Trump.

And to fight for who we are.

That hope is what gets us, as individuals, through the darkest of times.

And it is what will lead our country through the darkest of times as well.

You know, I often say that in the men and women I served with in Iraq, I saw the best of America in the worst of circumstances. In the midst of a war many of us disagreed with—a war I spoke out against—we always knew that despite the failures in Washington, we were fighting for each other.

We had each other’s backs.

And we believed in our values so much that they were willing to fight for them.

Well, I saw the same thing in this campaign.

I saw Americans from all backgrounds, all races, all religions, standing up and fighting for our values because they believe in our country—even when it lets them down.

Especially when it lets them down.

Because THAT is when the country needs us most.

We have a lot of work to do, and some tough months ahead of us, but we can do this. We wake up tomorrow in the America that we make. And I’m so proud to be making it better with all of you.

Thank you.

Source: Seth Moulton for America