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January 15, 2019March 17, 2019March 17, 2019March 24, 2019August 28, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website, January 15, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website January 15, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Logo

Ready to get off the sidelines? Let’s go.

Tonight I announced that I’m preparing to run for president, because I believe we’re all called to make a difference. I believe in right vs. wrong – that wrong wins when we do nothing. Now is our time to raise our voices and get off the sidelines.

Tonight I announced that I’m preparing to run for President of the United States, because I believe that we’re all called to do whatever we can to make a difference and help people. I believe in right versus wrong, and that wrong wins when we do nothing. Now is our time to raise our voices, fight for our beliefs and get off the sidelines.

I believe that in the face of division and hate, this country needs a movement rooted in compassion and courage. We want to be an America defined by strength of character, not weakness of ego. We need to protect and expand all of our basic rights and fight for better health care, education and jobs. And I believe I'm the woman for the job.

The campaign that we're building will have one core mission: restoring power to the people. I won’t accept contributions from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists, and I'm not afraid to take on Trump, special interests or any powerful system – never have been. Our movement will be about lifting up voices that have been ignored for too long and taking institutional racism and injustice head-on – in our politics, health care, education and economy. Let's show what we can build with determination and optimism, rather than hatred and fear.

This a moment in history when none of us can stay silent; we have to rise up, reclaim our values and act with compassion. At such a time as this, we all have to ask ourselves: What will we do?

I’ll fight, and I’ll fight with everything I have. It would mean so much if you joined me. kirstengillibrand.com

Source: Gillibrand 2020 Exploratory Committee
Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website, March 17, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website March 17, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Logo


Today, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand officially launched her campaign for President of the United States with a video called “Brave Wins.” At the end of the video, she announced that her first major speech will be in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City, next Sunday, March 24th.

This concludes a two-month exploratory phase of the campaign, during which Gillibrand began introducing herself to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, California and Texas. During the exploratory campaign, Gillibrand earned strong reviews on the ground as she traveled to early states, connecting with voters one-on-one in living rooms, coffee shops, local breweries and women-owned businesses. From day one, she ventured to rural communities and listened to voters who don’t see national Democrats often -- kicking off her first trip in rural western Iowa and being the first to visit the North Country of New Hampshire.

“Brave Wins” uses the Star Spangled Banner to highlight that bravery in our country has not always been certain and is constantly a choice. To that point, “Brave Wins” directly takes on President Trump for his agenda of cowardice, hate and fear. Gillibrand highlights the choices that so many Americans have made to be brave - today and in our nation’s history - that have inspired her career in public service and now her run for President of the United States.

Official Launch Week Overview:

Following her third trip to New Hampshire, Gillibrand will officially kick off her campaign as the first candidate to hold a major event in the must-win state of Michigan. From a suburban swing district that flipped from red to blue in 2018, Gillibrand will join Chris Hayes for MSNBC’s first 2020 candidate town hall, airing Monday night at 8 pm EST. She will also be the first to join Governor Gretchen Whitmer on the 2020 trail that evening.

Gillibrand will then make her third visit to Iowa, where she’s been praised locally for giving “possibly the best rally speech of the field,” and the candidate “having the most fun on the trail.” Gillibrand was the first to announce a four-stop Mississippi River tour through key parts of Southeast Iowa that are critical to winning statewide. Next she’ll visit Nevada for her first trip of the campaign, meeting caucus goers and key local leaders.

On Thursday night, in a return appearance, tune in to Showtime’s Desus & Mero recorded with Gillibrand in Troy, New York earlier this year. Gillibrand was the first U.S. Senator to appear on Desus & Mero’s previous show, and she will be the first 2020 presidential candidate on their new late night program.

Gillibrand will close the week with an outdoor speech and rally in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City—taking her positive, brave vision of restoring America’s moral integrity straight to President Trump’s doorstep. Inside and outside the halls of Congress, Gillibrand has repeatedly proven she is not afraid of taking on the big fights to change systems of power and take on greed, corruption and lies in Washington. With the strongest anti-Trump voting record in the U.S. Senate, she is committed to fighting for what’s right, even when it’s hard.

“Brave Wins” Script:

Our anthem calls America “the home of the brave.” But we don’t realize that the lyrics first pose it as a question.

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

It asks, “will brave win?” Well, it hasn’t always. And it isn’t right now.

Brave doesn’t pit people against each other. Brave doesn’t put money over lives. Brave doesn’t spread hate. Cloud truth. Build a wall. That’s what fear does.

We need to remember what if feels like to be brave. We launched ourselves into space and landed on the moon.

If we can do that, we can definitely achieve universal health care. We can provide paid family leave for all, end gun violence, pass a Green New Deal, get money out of politics and take back our democracy. None of this is impossible.

Americans are brave, everyday: The father risking his job to fight for his family. The mom taking on 6am shifts and 6pm classes. The formerly well-behaved women speaking up. The neighbors linking arms.

They’re making a choice. And it’s these brave choices that inspire me to take on the fights others won’t.

When I voted against the Wall Street bailout while both parties threw billions at the banks, when I took on the Pentagon to end to sexual assault in the military, when I turned a red district blue against all odds, when I challenged Congress by making my meetings, finances and taxes public. So people could see I was working for them.

I took your lead. I chose brave too.

We need a leader who makes big, bold, brave choices. Someone who isn’t afraid of progress.

That’s why I’m running for president. And it’s why I’m asking you for your support.

Our anthem asks a question, forcing every generation to make a choice. Will brave win?

Let’s answer for ours.

Meet me at Trump International in New York City – Next Sunday, March 24.
Brave wins. Gillibrand 2020.

Source: Gillibrand 2020
Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website, March 17, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website March 17, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Logo


Today, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand officially launched her campaign for President of the United States with a video called “Brave Wins.” At the end of the video, she announced that her first major speech will be in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City, next Sunday, March 24th.

This concludes a two-month exploratory phase of the campaign, during which Gillibrand began introducing herself to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, California and Texas. During the exploratory campaign, Gillibrand earned strong reviews on the ground as she traveled to early states, connecting with voters one-on-one in living rooms, coffee shops, local breweries and women-owned businesses. From day one, she ventured to rural communities and listened to voters who don’t see national Democrats often -- kicking off her first trip in rural western Iowa and being the first to visit the North Country of New Hampshire.

“Brave Wins” uses the Star Spangled Banner to highlight that bravery in our country has not always been certain and is constantly a choice. To that point, “Brave Wins” directly takes on President Trump for his agenda of cowardice, hate and fear. Gillibrand highlights the choices that so many Americans have made to be brave - today and in our nation’s history - that have inspired her career in public service and now her run for President of the United States.

Official Launch Week Overview:

Following her third trip to New Hampshire, Gillibrand will officially kick off her campaign as the first candidate to hold a major event in the must-win state of Michigan. From a suburban swing district that flipped from red to blue in 2018, Gillibrand will join Chris Hayes for MSNBC’s first 2020 candidate town hall, airing Monday night at 8 pm EST. She will also be the first to join Governor Gretchen Whitmer on the 2020 trail that evening.

Gillibrand will then make her third visit to Iowa, where she’s been praised locally for giving “possibly the best rally speech of the field,” and the candidate “having the most fun on the trail.” Gillibrand was the first to announce a four-stop Mississippi River tour through key parts of Southeast Iowa that are critical to winning statewide. Next she’ll visit Nevada for her first trip of the campaign, meeting caucus goers and key local leaders.

On Thursday night, in a return appearance, tune in to Showtime’s Desus & Mero recorded with Gillibrand in Troy, New York earlier this year. Gillibrand was the first U.S. Senator to appear on Desus & Mero’s previous show, and she will be the first 2020 presidential candidate on their new late night program.

Gillibrand will close the week with an outdoor speech and rally in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City—taking her positive, brave vision of restoring America’s moral integrity straight to President Trump’s doorstep. Inside and outside the halls of Congress, Gillibrand has repeatedly proven she is not afraid of taking on the big fights to change systems of power and take on greed, corruption and lies in Washington. With the strongest anti-Trump voting record in the U.S. Senate, she is committed to fighting for what’s right, even when it’s hard.

“Brave Wins” Script:

Our anthem calls America “the home of the brave.” But we don’t realize that the lyrics first pose it as a question.

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

It asks, “will brave win?” Well, it hasn’t always. And it isn’t right now.

Brave doesn’t pit people against each other. Brave doesn’t put money over lives. Brave doesn’t spread hate. Cloud truth. Build a wall. That’s what fear does.

We need to remember what if feels like to be brave. We launched ourselves into space and landed on the moon.

If we can do that, we can definitely achieve universal health care. We can provide paid family leave for all, end gun violence, pass a Green New Deal, get money out of politics and take back our democracy. None of this is impossible.

Americans are brave, everyday: The father risking his job to fight for his family. The mom taking on 6am shifts and 6pm classes. The formerly well-behaved women speaking up. The neighbors linking arms.

They’re making a choice. And it’s these brave choices that inspire me to take on the fights others won’t.

When I voted against the Wall Street bailout while both parties threw billions at the banks, when I took on the Pentagon to end to sexual assault in the military, when I turned a red district blue against all odds, when I challenged Congress by making my meetings, finances and taxes public. So people could see I was working for them.

I took your lead. I chose brave too.

We need a leader who makes big, bold, brave choices. Someone who isn’t afraid of progress.

That’s why I’m running for president. And it’s why I’m asking you for your support.

Our anthem asks a question, forcing every generation to make a choice. Will brave win?

Let’s answer for ours.

Meet me at Trump International in New York City – Next Sunday, March 24.
Brave wins. Gillibrand 2020.

Source: Gillibrand 2020
Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website, March 24, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website March 24, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Logo


Today, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand delivered her first major speech as a candidate for president, called "Brave Wins." She stood in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City and offered her positive and brave vision for our country.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

It's a gorgeous day, and looking around at this diverse and beautiful crowd … there's no doubt that America is great.

Our Declaration of Independence was the start of a conversation about how to achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for every citizen. Our Constitution was always intended to grow and adapt as we formed a more perfect union, established justice, and ensured peace, security, and the blessings of liberty.

Even our national anthem ends in a question: “Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

That open-ended question is what defines us: not just who we are or were, but who we will be. It challenges us to choose to take the next step, to fight that next fight, to answer that fundamental question: will brave win?

And the truth is, brave hasn't always won. And brave isn't winning right now.

Brave doesn't spread hate or bully the vulnerable. Brave doesn't put greed and self-interest over millions of lives. Brave doesn't cower behind lies and walls. Brave doesn't pit people against one another… That's what fear does.

This President has tried to reduce America to its smallest self. By attacking the values and institutions of our democracy, and turning our most cherished principles inside-out. Rooting for bigotry and discrimination and violence, closing our doors to immigrants and refugees, taking from the many to line the pockets of a few.

President Trump is tearing apart the moral fabric of this country.

He demonizes the vulnerable and he punches down. He puts his name in bold on every building. He does all of this because he wants us to believe he is strong. He is not. Our President is a coward.

That's not what we deserve – not what you deserve. We deserve a president who is brave; a president who will walk through fire to do what is right.

We deserve a president who inspires us to stand for something greater than ourselves. Look up at that tower – a shrine to greed, division and vanity. And now look around you. The greater strength, by far, is ours.

We are here to reject the politics of fear and hate – to listen to what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature. Because the ideals of this country – opportunity, equality, compassion and justice – are worth fighting for.

We are here to embrace our shared humanity and rise above our differences. We don't build walls that are emblems of racism and fear. We build bridges, communities and hope. Because our unity of purpose lifts us higher than any tower.

We are here today because we know that when we join together and fight for our values, brave wins.

Americans prove this with their own bravery, every single day. You've already heard from some of them today. But there are countless more examples all around us.

The high school students who responded to unimaginable tragedy by organizing, marching and inspiring millions to end the epidemic of gun violence. That is brave.

The DREAMers who defiantly tell their stories and stand up for their right to call this country home. That is brave.

The sexual assault survivors who raise their voices against the powerful that tell them to stay silent. That is brave.

The millions of Americans who are speaking out against this Administration's cruelty toward women, Muslims, the LGBTQ community, and children at our border. That is brave.

And of course, the formerly well-behaved women who organized, ran for office, voted in record numbers and won in 2018. That too, is brave.

Day in and day out, Americans are making a choice to resist the backward pull of this Administration and pushing us toward a better future.

And it's brave choices like yours that have inspired me to take on the fights that others won't. It's because of you that I've chosen to be brave too.

Because the people of this country deserve a president worthy of your bravery. A president who not only sets an example, but follows yours.

Your bravery inspires me every day. And that is why I'm running for President of the United States.

By coming here today, we are sending a powerful message: We will not let anything or anyone divide us. We will not cede control of our country to corruption, greed and the powerful interests. We will keep showing up and we will keep fighting back.

The fight ahead may seem daunting, but there is hope when we look down at our feet and see whose shoulders we stand on. We all have our heroes who inspire us in this struggle.

My grandmother, Polly Noonan, was one of mine. She would be proud of us standing here today. She was larger than life. She was a firebrand and a Democratic organizer, who cursed like a sailor. She spent her life fighting for women to have a seat at the table.

She never let anyone tell her that she couldn't or that she didn't belong. And she instilled that in me.

But more than anything else, my grandmother taught me that being brave doesn't just mean standing up for yourself, it means standing up for other people who need you and raising your voice on behalf of others who aren't being heard.

It's that core principle from my grandmother that has driven my life in public service. Over the years, I have learned that bravery means standing up to the powerful, and summoning the courage to confront them head on.

That's what I did when I first ran for Congress in a red red red district that nobody thought I could win. Except for my mother – which tells you a lot about her. People told me: “It has more cows than Democrats – you just can't win!”

But, I took those long odds, and I won. And the next election, I won again - that time by a 24-point margin.

Why? Because I never forgot who I served.

That's why I stood up to greed and voted against the bank bailout that would leave taxpayers holding the bag. Even though I was warned, it would end my career.

It's why I stood up to corruption by making insider trading illegal for members of Congress. No one in our government should be lining their pockets as a public servant.

It's why I stood up to callousness by demanding the 9/11 heroes be given the respect, compensation and healthcare they deserved.

And why I stood up to indifference and lies in the Pentagon, Congress, and Colleges on behalf of survivors of sexual assault and harassment.

And it's why I stood up to bigotry and demanded the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, which was a corrosive and harmful policy that undermined our character and our national security.

And it's why I'm proud to have stood up to Donald Trump more than anyone else in the U.S. Senate.

I will go toe-to-toe with anyone to do the right thing. Whether it's powerful institutions, the President, or even my own party.

But I'm not running for President because of who I'm fighting against. I'm running for President because of who I'm fighting for.

I'm fighting for an America where power truly belongs to the people.

Where our leaders care about everyone in this country, and lead not from weakness of ego, but from strength of character.

Where compassion and integrity define our government, not self-interest and corruption.

Where we don't just care about the profits we make today, but the future we're leaving to our grandchildren.

I know we can be that America. But it means starting at the root of our problems. Greed.

Right now, special interests are displacing the voices of the people of this country. Find me a so-called unsolvable problem, and I will point you to the greed and corruption in the way.

Polluter profits take precedence over drinking water.

Opioid manufacturers get a pass instead of indictments they deserve, while our neighbors are sold more addictive drugs on purpose.

The NRA stops popular, common sense gun reform, while stray bullets kill children in our communities.

Dark, unaccountable money is at the heart of this outrageous inaction. We need to crack open our government, flip the switch, and let the light flood in.

That's exactly what I did when I came to Washington and challenged Congress by making my meetings, finances and taxes public. I wanted my constituents to know that I was working for them, not the powerful.

I will keep leading on transparency within my own office and campaigns. That's why I am not taking any corporate PAC money in this campaign, no federal lobbyist money and no individual Super PACs.

As president, I will fight for publicly-funded elections. It would change the way Washington works overnight. Imagine your voice was just as loud as the Koch Brother's. What a concept!

By leveling the playing field, our democracy will thrive and we will protect against the dysfunction that's poisoning Washington now.
As your president, I will be answerable to you alone, elevating the concerns that you would raise at a town hall or at your kitchen table. I will govern based on the principle that our democracy only works when elected leaders hear directly from you.

Only then can we finally start making progress on the problems we face. Our goals are ambitious, but the truth is, they're not controversial. Americans across party lines support these common-sense ideas.

It is time for this country to make quality, affordable healthcare a right and not a privilege, by passing Medicare for All.

I've fought for this since my very first House race in 2006. We have a plan to get from our current system to single-payer and I know, because I helped write it. We will create competition, get costs down, and eliminate greed.

On education, it's time to guarantee universal pre-K, affordable daycare and a high-quality public education for every kid, no matter what block they grow up on.

We must make higher education affordable and accessible for everyone, and reduce the crush of student debt. The federal government should not be making money off the backs of our students. In my administration, we would refinance all federal student debt to the lowest available rate.

And here's a big idea! Let's improve and expand the GI bill to make college free for anyone who agrees to do national public service. That way our young people can pursue their dreams debt-free, while also helping others.

To grow the middle class, we need to start rewarding work again. We must make “full employment” a national priority, by investing in free job training through apprenticeships, not for profits, community colleges and state schools. We will work with employers to connect underemployed and unemployed workers with the training, skills and jobs that are available in their communities and in their fields of interest.

With workers' rights under attack more than ever, we need to protect the right to collectively bargain and form unions, fighting right to work and supporting card check. And let's do right by our workers and raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour nationwide.

We have to transform the infrastructure of work by finally making national paid leave a reality. It's outrageous that we are the only industrialized country in the world without it. You should never have to risk your job and income to take care of a new baby, a sick family member, or your own medical issues. I refuse to accept the false choice between your paycheck and your family.

I've led this fight in Congress since 2013, when it was not part of our national conversation. And hear me when I say this: Paid leave, equal pay and affordable daycare are not just “women's issues.” These are economic issues, ones that will determine whether or not our country succeeds.

At the same time, we need to dismantle the institutional racism that pervades our society and holds back millions of families. It's in our health care, education, economic and criminal justice systems.

It's in the growing crisis of black women's maternal mortality. It's in the sentencing disparities that keep black men in prison for years while white-collar criminals go home on bail. It's in the wealth gap between communities of color and white communities that only widens from generation to generation.

These challenges call for solutions both targeted and broad, like higher standards for maternity care, a national commitment to full employment, postal banking, ending cash bail, and legalizing marijuana.

We need to restore our moral leadership in the world. We must secure our borders effectively and fight terrorism relentlessly, but let's be very clear: Racism and fear are not a national security strategy.

Building a wall, ripping apart families, banning Muslims and turning our backs on refugees and asylum seekers isn't just wrong – it makes us LESS safe.

We need to repair our relationship with allies and stop fawning over our adversaries. We need to leverage our diplomatic tools to make Americans more prosperous and more secure, and always treat military force as the last resort. We must bring an end to our endless wars. America's commander in chief is not a dictator, and the decision to deploy our troops can never be made lightly or unilaterally without Congress.

And we need to protect the integrity of our elections, by holding accountable any threats to our democracy, from abroad or right here at home.

The stakes on this just got higher on Friday. The Mueller report MUST be made public. All of it. Nobody in this country - not even the president - is above the law or immune from accountability.

It's not often that I agree with Richard Nixon, but he was right to say that the American people have a right to know whether or not their President is a crook.

And finally, we need to treat climate change like the existential threat it is, and pass a Green New Deal. Let's make this our generation's moonshot. Addressing a global challenge of this urgency will take massive effort and transformative vision which is exactly why we should do it.

Let's invest in our crumbling infrastructure, create sustainable green jobs, and protect clean air and clean water as a universal human right. And I'd go further than others who support this plan. I'd also put a price on carbon to use market forces to steer companies away from fossil fuels and towards clean and renewable energy.

We can't afford not to do this. And we don't have time to waste.

John F. Kennedy said he wanted to put a man on the moon in the next ten years, “not because [it's] easy, but because [it's] hard”. I believe we should look at climate change in the exact same way. We should aspire to net zero carbon emissions in the next ten years, not because it's easy but because it's hard and “it's a challenge that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one that we intend to win.”

None of these big fights and equally big goals will be easy. Nothing worth fighting for ever is. But I've never backed down from a fight for what's right... and I'm not about to start now.

My faith tells me to care for the least among us, feed and clothe the poor, help the stranger, the sick and the incarcerated. I believe we are called to be the Light of the World, to defeat the darkness, and to treat others the way we want to be treated.

I am running for President to fix what's been broken, to repair our moral fabric, and to rebuild the common bonds between us as Americans. This fight is so much bigger than any one election. It's about making a choice and deciding who we are, and who we are going to be.

After all, America is, and will always be, the “home of the brave.” No matter how difficult the course before us, no matter how dark the hour, the lesson of our history is that justice, fairness and truth are possible but only if we are willing to put everything we have on the line to achieve it.

So, each one of us has a choice today: Will we defend this democracy? Will we speak out for what we believe in? Will we reject hate and fear, greed and corruption? Will we fight, with every fiber of our being, because everything we care about is at stake?

Will we be brave?

You've already answered that question just by being here today. And if you're with me - if you're ready to take on this fight - join my campaign by going to KIRSTENGILLIBRAND.COM and contribute to help power this movement forward.

I believe, in my bones, that we can do this. And I know that years from now, we will look back on this moment in our history, and we'll be able to say that we did something about it.

We stood up, locked arms, and proved to America, and the world, that when people come together to drive out darkness...

Hope rises.

Fear loses.

And, Brave wins.

Thank you. God Bless you all. And God bless America.

Source: Gillibrand 2020
Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website, August 28, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Website August 28, 2019 Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 Logo